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Wieghofer P., Hagemeyer N., Sankowski R., Schlecht A., Staszewski O., Gruber M., Koch J., Hausmann A., Zhang P., Boneva S., Masuda T., Hilgendorf I., Goldmann T., Böttcher C., Priller J., Rossi F.M.V., Lange C.*, Prinz M.* (2021) Mapping the origin and fate of myeloid cells in distinct compartments of the eye by single-cell profiling. EMBO J (2021) e105123
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Schlecht, A.*, Boneva, S.*, Gruber, M., Zhang, P., Horres, R., Bucher, F., Auw-Haedrich, C., Hansen, L., Stahl, A., Hilgendorf, I., Agostini, H., Wieghofer, P., Schlunck, G., Wolf, J.*, Lange, C.* (2020) Transcriptomic Characterization of Human Choroidal Neovascular Membranes Identifies Calprotectin as a Novel Biomarker for Patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration. Am J Pathol. 190: 1632-1642
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*equally contributing