Dr. Marie Kaiser
Prof. Dr. P.H.
Heide Glaesmer
Early career Researchers:
Sophie Roupetz, M.Sc.
Saskia Mitreuter, M.Sc.
Amra Delic MD, M.Sc.
Kimberley Anderson, M.Sc.
CHIBOW was a H2020 Marie Curie Innovative
Training Network (ITN), supporting a new generation of researchers to advance
the knowledge base of the lived experiences of Children Born of War (CBOW) in a
variety of 20th century conflict and post-conflict situations. The network was running from 2015 to 2019, involving 15 PhD researchers to work collaboratively across disciplines to provide new perspectives on this topic. The research was focused on four themes: Experiences of children born of war in historical context, investigated in the context of four 20th century conflict scenarios; Children born of war: Children, conflict and memory; Children born of war: Children, education and citizenship; Children born of war: Children and community.
Heide Glaesmer was director of training who was coordinating all training and supervision activities within the network. Marie Kaiser was the internal ethics advisor in the network.
The following dissertations are the results of the ITN:
- Kimberley Anderson „Psychological Outcomes of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Against Women: Being a Mother, being a Survivor“ (summa cum laude)
The dissertation was awarded the Margarete Blank Prize of the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig 2020. - Saskia Mitreuter „Questions of Identity in German Occupation Children: A Mixed-Methods-Analysis“
- Sophie Roupetz „Sexual
and gender-based violence in the context of armed conflict: a psychosocial
perspective of women and family relationships“ (submitted August 2024)
A large number of publications have emerged from the ITN and the dissertation projects, including the following book:
Sabine Lee, Heide Glaesmer, Barbara Stelzl-Marx (2021). Children Born of War – Past, Present and Future. Routledge.
In 2021, the project was awarded the Ralf Dahrendorf Prize for the
European Research Area by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The
prize money was used to activate the potential of the theatre to make research
and the topic of the Children born of War accessible to the general public as
part of an interactive science communication project.
For more information on the ITN und its outcomes see
EU, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions
Project numbers:
3/2015 – 2/2019