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Symposium „Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War – from World War II to current conflict settings“

​4th / 5th of June 2015, Conference Center of Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover (Germany) 

Scientific committee of the conference: PD Dr. Heide Glaesmer (University of Leipzig, Germany), Prof. Dr. Sabine Lee (University of Birmingham, UK), PD Dr. Philipp Kuwert (University of Greifswald, Germany)

Few human rights and children's rights topics have been met with a similarly extensive silence as the fate of children born of war (CBOW). Among the children are those conceived in conflict-related sexual violence, but also in intimate relations of more or less consensual nature.

On 4th and 5th of June 2015 the symposium „Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War – from World War II to current conflict settings“ took place in the conference centre of Schloss Herrenhausen (Hannover / Germany). The symposium addressed the topic of CBOW from an interdisciplinary perspective, including psychology, psychiatry, sociology, history and political sciences. The meeting was funded by the Volkswagenstiftung.

As part of the symposium an interdisciplinary workshop with early career researchers and a public lecture including a book reading and a round table discussion was held on Thursday 4th of June 7pm.

The READER gives an insight in the program, the different contributions and some outcomes of the symposium.

Please cite the reader as follows:
Glaesmer H, Lee S (Eds.) (2015). Interdisciplinary perspectives on Children Born of War – from World War II to current conflict settings. Conference reader.,postext,rueckblick,a_id,1412.html.

Participants of the symposium

Philipp-Rosenthal-Str. 55, Haus W
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 18800
Wiss. Sekretariat:
0341 - 97 18803
0341 - 97 15419