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​​​​​​​​​To achieve the educational goals of the Leipzig School, three times a year in spring and fall courses on the new surgical therapy of malignant disease of the lower female genital tract are held at the University of Leipzig Medical Center.

The courses are addressed to advanced gynecologic surgeons but also to colleagues that are interested in getting to know the new operations. The courses comprise lectures, anatomical workshops and live surgery in an interactive format for a small group of international participants. The limited number of attending colleagues ensures intensive learning and in-depth discussions. 

The triannual courses consist of 3-day blocks. The block subjects cover:

  • ​Block A: Total mesometrial resection (TMMR) & peripheral immune network-directed dissection of lymph node regions (iLND)
  • Block B: Vulvar field resection with anatomical reconstruction (VFR+AR) & iLND
  • Block C: "Beyond TMMR" - Cancer field surgery for vaginal carcinoma and advanced or recurrent cervicovaginal carcinoma.

Course language is English.

In case that no patient is available for the live-demonstration of the surgical techniques of a specific course topic a video of the operation in full length with live comments will be presented.​

Block A: TMMR (March 10 - 12 2025)

  • ​​Principles and practice of current surgical treatment of cervix carcinoma
  • Introduction into the ontogenetic cancer field model
  • Ontogenetic anatomy of the female pelvis with special consideration of the uterine cervix
  • Cancer fields of cervical carcinoma, ontogenetic staging (oT)
    • Pathomechanisms of lymphatic metastasis
    • Cancer field model of regional tumor spread
    • Development of the human lymphatic system: the abdominopelvic lymph territories in the female
    • Regional metastatic pattern of cervical carcinoma, ontogenetic nodal staging (oN)
    • TMMR & iLND: principles, step-by-step technique, results, comparison with conventional surgical treatment

Block B: VFR+AR (March 17 - 19, 2025)

  • Principles and practice of current surgical treatment of vulvar carcinoma
  • Introduction to the ontogenetic cancer field model
    • Ontogenetic anatomy of the female perineum with special consideration of the vulva
    • Cancer fields of vulvar carcinoma, ontogenetic staging
    • Pathomechanisms of lymphatic metastasis
    • Cancer field model of regional tumor spread
    • Development of the human lymphatic system: the inguinopelvic lymph territories in the female
    • Regional metastatic pattern of vulvar carcinoma, ontogenetic nodal staging (oN)
    • VFR+AR & iLND: principles, techniques, results, comparison with conventional treatment​​​​

Block C: "Beyond TMMR" (September 15 - 17, 2025)

  • ​Ontogenetic cancer field model of locoregional carcinoma spread
  • Ontogenetic anatomy of the Müllerian compartment with special reference to the vagina and extracompartmental pelvic tissues
  • Ontogenetic tumor and nodal staging of vaginal carcinoma
  • Ontogenetic tumor and nodal staging of advanced cervicovaginal carcinoma
  • Pathoanatomy of postsurgical pelvic recurrences of cervix carcinoma
  • Cancer field surgery of vaginal carcinoma - Surgical techniques and clinicial results
  • Cancer field surgery of locoregional advanced and recurrent cervicovaginal carcinoma: EMMR, LEER & iLND - Surgical techniques and clinical results
Liebigstraße 20a, Haus 6
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 23400
0341 - 97 23409