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English Medizininformatikzentrum - Abteilung Medical Data Science Sie sind hier: Medizininformatikzentrum - Abteilung Medical Data Science Publikationen Publikationen Seiteninhalt Oben Publikationen 2024Zekavat SM, Jorshery SD, Rauscher FG, Horn K, Sekimitsu S, Koyama S, Nguyen TT, Costanzo MC, Jang D, Burtt NP, Kühnapfel A, Shweikh Y, Ye Y, Raghu V, Zhao H, Ghassemi M, Elze T, Segrè AV, Wiggs JL, Del Priore L, Scholz M, Wang JC, Natarajan P, Zebardast N Phenome- and genome-wide analyses of retinal optical coherence tomography images identify links between ocular and systemic health. Science Translational Medicine 16, eadg4517, 2024. DOI:10.1126/scitranslmed.adg4517.Welten S, de Arruda Botelho Herr M, Hempel L, Hieber D, Placzek P, Graf M, Weber S, Neumann L, Jugl M, Tirpitz L, Kindermann K, Geisler S, Bonino da Silva Santos LO, Decker S, Pfeifer N, Kohlbacher O, Kirsten T A study on interoperability between two Personal Health Train infrastructures in leukodystrophy data analysis. Sci Data 11, 663, 2024. DOI:10.1038/s41597-024-03450-6.Schulz T, Kirsten T, Vogel KT, Langer S, Nuwayhid R Pressure makes diamonds? The impact of closed incision negative pressure wound therapy on complications following abdominoplasty in patients with massive weight loss—results from a case controlled trial. JPRAS Open 42, 197–207, 2024. DOI:10.1016/j.jpra.2024.09.004.Sadeghi S, Khodaei M, Hempel L, Kirsten T Quality Assessment of Brain MRI Defacing Using Machine Learning. In Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems; IOS Press, 2024; pp. 636–637. DOI:10.3233/SHTI240493.Sadeghi S, Hempel L, Rodemund N, Kirsten T Salzburg Intensive Care database (SICdb): a detailed exploration and comparative analysis with MIMIC-IV. Sci Rep 14, 11438, 2024. DOI:10.1038/s41598-024-61380-0.Rutigliani C, Rauscher FG, De Nardin A, Loeffler M, Engel C, Peschel T, Baber R, Kirsten T, Wirkner K, Elze T, Francke M, Wang M The effect of serum vitamin B12 and folic acid levels on retinal layer thickness. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65, 4312, 2024.Rauscher FG, Heitmar R Longitudinal studies assessing retinal vascular characteristics in childhood and adolescence must account for ocular growth. Atherosclerosis 396, 117611, 2024. DOI:10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2024.117611.Rauscher FG, Elze T, Francke M, Martinez-Perez ME, Li Y, Wirkner K, Tönjes A, Engel C, Thiery J, Blüher M, Stumvoll M, Kirsten T, Loeffler M, Ebert T, Wang M Glucose tolerance and insulin resistance/sensitivity associate with retinal layer characteristics: the LIFE-Adult-Study. Diabetologia 67, 928–939, 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00125-024-06093-9.Rauscher FG, Edgar DF, Chisholm CM, Barbur JL The value of assessing progressive loss of red/green and yellow/blue chromatic sensitivity in glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmologica 102, 2024. DOI:10.1111/aos.16488.Rauscher FG, Bernardes R Retinale optische Kohärenztomographie Biomarker und ihr Zusammenhang mit kognitiven Funktionen. Ophthalmologie 121, 105–115, 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00347-024-01985-y.Rauscher FG, Bernardes R Retinal OCT biomarkers and their association with cognitive function—clinical and AI approaches. Ophthalmologie 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00347-024-01988-9.Pigeot I, Ahrens W, Darms J, Fluck J, Golebiewski M, Hahn HK, Hu X, Intemann T, Kasbohm E, Kirsten T, Klammt S, Klopfenstein SAI, Lassen-Schmidt B, Peters M, Sax U, Waltemath D, Schmidt CO Making Epidemiological and Clinical Studies FAIR Using the Example of COVID-19. Datenbank Spektrum 2024. DOI:10.1007/s13222-024-00477-2.Maia M, Jaberansary M, Hamza Akhtar M, Ucer Y, Beyan O, Kirsten T Training Federated Liver Cancer Image Segmentation Models using PHT Infrastructure.; German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2024. DOI:10.3205/24gmds225.Knaup-Gregori P, Boeker M, Kirsten T, Krefting D, Schiller E, Schmücker P, Schüttler C, Seim A, Spreckelsen C, Winter A Kompetenzentwicklung in der Medizininformatik-Initiative (MII) – Lehrangebote für einen souveränen und sicheren Umgang mit medizinischen Daten. Bundesgesundheitsbl 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00103-024-03881-x.Kirsten T, Kleinert P, Gebhardt M, Drepper J, Andreeff A-K, Prasser F, Kohlbacher O Grundlagen für die wissenschaftliche Nutzung umfangreicher Versorgungsdaten in Deutschland – Ergebnisse der AG Data Sharing der Medizininformatik-Initiative. Bundesgesundheitsbl 67, 648–655, 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00103-024-03880-y.Jung FU, Löbner M, Rodriguez F-S, Engel C, Kirsten T, Reyes N, Glaesmer H, Hinz A, Witte AV, Zacher H, Loeffler M, Villringer A, Luppa M, Riedel-Heller SG Associations between person-environment fit and mental health - results from the population-based LIFE-Adult-Study. BMC Public Health 24, 2083, 2024. DOI:10.1186/s12889-024-19599-z.Jugl M, Zeynalova S, Bürger S, Klagges S, Fabian H, Kirsten T Towards a framework for secure automated linkage of personalized data across data sources — A first example: Linking LIFE Adult study participants with the Leipzig Cancer Registry.; Leipzig, 2024; p. 178.Jugl M, Kirsten T Generation and mutation of realistic personal identification data for the evaluation of record linkage algorithms.; German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2024; p. DocAbstr. 201. DOI:10.3205/24gmds020.Jugl M, Kirsten T Gecko: generation and mutation of realistic identification data at scale for record linkage evaluation. Proc. 8th PhD Conference Freiberg. M, Kirsten T Gecko: A Python library for the generation and mutation of realistic personal identification data at scale. SoftwareX 27, 101846, 2024. DOI:10.1016/j.softx.2024.101846.Hussenoeder FS, Conrad I, Pabst A, Engel C, Zachariae S, Zeynalova S, Yahiaoui-Doktor M, Glaesmer H, Hinz A, Witte V, Wichmann G, Kirsten T, Löffler M, Villringer A, Riedel-Heller SG Connecting chronic stress and anxiety: a multi-dimensional perspective. Psychology, Health & Medicine 29, 427–441, 2024. DOI:10.1080/13548506.2022.2124292.Hussenoeder FS, Conrad I, Löbner M, Engel C, Reyes N, Yahiaoui-Doktor M, Glaesmer H, Hinz A, Witte V, Schroeter ML, Medawar E, Wichmann G, Kirsten T, Löffler M, Villringer A, Riedel-Heller SG The different areas of chronic stress and food addiction: Results from the LIFE-Adult-Study. Stress and Health 40, e3348, 2024. DOI:10.1002/smi.3348.Han JY, Rauscher FG, Wang M, Jin Q, Loeffler M, Engel C, Peschel T, Kirsten T, Wirkner K, Elze T Exploring the Impact of Cardiovascular Medications and Diagnoses on Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65, 5108, 2024.Han JY, Elze T, Wang M, Jin Q, Loeffler M, Engel C, Peschel T, Kirsten T, Wirkner K, Rauscher FG The Impact of Cardiovascular Medications on the Association Between Cardiovascular Diagnoses and Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65, PB00108, 2024.Görres C, Hoßbach J, Pabst A, Luppa M, Stein J, Welzel FD, Jung FU, Hussenoeder FS, Engel C, Kirsten T, Reyes N, Wirkner K, Riedel-Heller SG, Löbner M Der Zusammenhang zwischen Adipositas, sozialer Isolation und psychischer Gesundheit – Ergebnisse der LIFE-Adult-Studie. Bundesgesundheitsbl 67, 1121–1130, 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00103-024-03940-3.Gerwek M, Sadeghi S, Bercker S, Kirsten T Predictive Modeling of Unplanned Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Readmission.; German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2024; p. DocAbstr. 721. DOI:10.3205/24gmds135.Elwes MR, Troglio A, Abedi M, Golebiewski M, Meineke F, Kirsten T, Namer B, Beyan O, Kutafina E Semi-Automatic Export of Electrophysiological Metadata to NFDI4Health Local Data Hubs: Use Case of Microneurography odML-Tables – A Technical Case Report. In German Medical Data Sciences 2024; IOS Press, 2024; pp. 40–48. DOI:10.3233/SHTI240836.Elwes MR, Namer B, Troglio A, Kirsten T, Beyan O, Kutafina E Harmonizing Microneurography Metadata with Local Data Hubs: A Concept. In Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems; IOS Press, 2024; pp. 358–359. DOI:10.3233/SHTI240420.Dathan-Stumpf A, Stepan H, Valterova E, Jakubicek R, Berbée C, Seidenspinner M-L, Kolar R, Rauscher FG Pregnancy induces retinal microvascular changes indicating cardio-metabolic stress. Pregnancy Hypertension 35, 30–31, 2024. DOI:10.1016/j.preghy.2023.12.004.Ammon D, Kurscheidt M, Buckow K, Kirsten T, Löbe M, Meineke F, Prasser F, Saß J, Sax U, Stäubert S, Thun S, Wettstein R, Wiedekopf JP, Wodke JAH, Boeker M, Ganslandt T Arbeitsgruppe Interoperabilität: Kerndatensatz und Informationssysteme für Integration und Austausch von Daten in der Medizininformatik-Initiative. Bundesgesundheitsbl 2024. DOI:10.1007/s00103-024-03888-4.Publikationen 2023Winter A, Hartwig M, Kirsten T Predicting Hospital Length of Stay of Patients Leaving the Emergency Department.Proc. 16th International Conference on Health Informatics; 2023; pp. 124–131. DOI:10.5220/0011671700003414.Wang H, Rauscher FG, Martinez-Perez ME, Peschel T, Eslami M, Kazeminasab S, Luo Y, Shi M, Tian Y, Loeffler M, Kirsten T, Wang M, Elze T Development and evaluation of an R library to align macula and optic disc centered optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64, 5012, 2023.Vergroesen JE, Schuster AK, Stuart KV, Asefa NG, Cougnard-Grégoire A, Delcourt C, Schweitzer C, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Foster PJ, Luben RN, Pfeiffer N, Stingl JV, Kirsten T, Rauscher FG, Wirkner K, Jansonius NM, Arnould L, Creuzot-Garcher CP, Stricker BH, Keskini C, Topouzis F, Bertelsen G, Eggen AE, Bikbov MM, Jonas JB, Klaver CCW, Ramdas WD, Khawaja AP Association of Systemic Medication Use with Glaucoma and Intraocular Pressure: The European Eye Epidemiology Consortium. Ophthalmology 130, 893–906, 2023. DOI:10.1016/j.ophtha.2023.05.001.Valterova E, Unterlauft JD, Francke M, Kirsten T, Kolar R, Rauscher FG Comprehensive automatic processing and analysis of adaptive optics flood illumination retinal images on healthy subjects. Biomed. Opt. Express, BOE 14, 945–970, 2023. DOI:10.1364/BOE.471881.Tian Y, Rauscher FG, Elze T, Luo Y, Shi M, Kazeminasab Hashemabad S, Eslami M, Wirkner K, Peschel T, Loeffler M, Engel C, Kirsten T, Wang M The Impact of Age-Related Macular Degeneration on Retinal Layers Quantified by Deep Learning. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64, PP0014, 2023.Mou Y, Li F, Weber S, Haneef S, Meine H, Caldeira L, Jaberansary M, Welten S, Ucer YY, Prause G, Decker S, Beyan O, Kirsten T Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis in NFDI4Health With the Personal Health Train. Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 1, 2023. DOI:10.52825/cordi.v1i.282.Michael R, Wirkner K, Engel C, Loeffler M, Kirsten T, Rauscher FG Feasibility and repeatability of ocular biometry measured with IOLMaster 700 in a large population-based study. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics n/a, 2023. DOI:10.1111/opo.13148.Meineke F, Golebiewski M, Hu X, Kirsten T, Löbe M, Klammt S, Sax U, Müller W NFDI4Health Local Data Hubs for Finding and Accessing Health Data: Making Distributed Data Accessible Through a SEEK-Based Platform. Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure 1, 2023. DOI:10.52825/cordi.v1i.375.Mauschitz MM, Verzijden T, Schuster AK, Elbaz H, Pfeiffer N, Khawaja A, Luben RN, Foster PJ, Rauscher FG, Wirkner K, Kirsten T, Jonas JB, Bikbov MM, Hogg R, Peto T, Cougnard-Grégoire A, Bertelsen G, Erke MG, Topouzis F, Giannoulis DA, Brandl C, Heid IM, Creuzot-Garcher CP, Gabrielle P-H, Hense H-W, Pauleikhoff D, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Piermarocchi S, Daien V, Holz FG, Delcourt C, Finger RP Association of lipid-lowering drugs and antidiabetic drugs with age-related macular degeneration: a meta-analysis in Europeans. British Journal of Ophthalmology 107, 1880–1886, 2023. DOI:10.1136/bjo-2022-321985.Maia M, Jaberansary M, Ucer Y, Beyan O, Kirsten T Incremental Machine Learning using Distributed Data Processing Techniques for Malaria Data Across Multiple Online Sources.; Proc. 68th GMDS Conference, German Medical Science GMS, 2023; p. 318. DOI:10.3205/23gmds049.Luo Y, Rauscher FG, Elze T, Tian Y, Shi M, Kazeminasab Hashemabad S, Eslami M, Wirkner K, Peschel T, Stumvoll M, Isermann B, Blueher M, Loeffler M, Kirsten T, Ebert T, Wang M Assessing Retinal Layers’ Association with Diabetes using a Deep Learning Framework. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64, PB0033, 2023.Lindquist S, Klotz U, Bredel-Geissler A, Klafke A, Timmermann K, Köhler W Medizinische Versorgung für Erwachsene mit Behinderung: Hohe Hürden für den Aufbau und Betrieb von Behandlungszentren. Dtsch Arztebl 120, A-2081 / B-1766, 2023.Li Y, Wang M, Wirkner K, Loeffler M, Blüher M, Stumvoll M, Isermann B, Tönjes A, Engel C, Kirsten T, Elze T, Ebert T, Rauscher FG Markers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are inversely associated with macular optical coherence tomography (OCT)-derived retinal layer thicknesses in a large population-based study. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64, 3835, 2023.Lange J-J, Richter A, Kipker D-K, Geok Ng H, Schmidt C, Lettieri V, Ahrens W, Sax U, Prause G, Pigeot I, Fröhlich H, Lassen-Schmidt B, Hahn HK, Intemann T, Buchner B, Fluck J, Kirsten T, Kuntz A Informed Consent zum Record Linkage: Best Practice und Mustertexte; NFDI4Health - Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für personenbezogene Gesundheitsdaten (Projekt), 2023;Jung FU, Pabst A, Rodriguez FS, Luppa M, Engel C, Kirsten T, Witte V, Reyes N, Loeffler M, Villringer A, Riedel-Heller SG Perceived stress of mental demands at work, objective stress and resilience – an analysis of the LIFE-Adult-study. J Occup Med Toxicol 18, 20, 2023. DOI:10.1186/s12995-023-00388-0.Jugl M, Welten S, Mou Y, Yediel YU, Beyan OD, Sax U, Kirsten T Privacy-Preserving Linkage of Distributed Datasets using the Personal Health Train 2023. DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2309.06171.Jin Q, Rauscher FG, Wang M, Eslami M, Kazeminasab Hashemabad S, Luo Y, Shi M, Tian Y, Loeffler M, Engel C, Peschel T, Kirsten T, Wirkner K, Elze T Circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (cpRNFLT) and medication related to the cardiovascular system. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64, 3716, 2023.Jaberansary M, Maia M, Ucer Yediel Y, Beyan O, Kirsten T Analyzing Distributed Medical Data in FAIR Data Spaces. In Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023; Association for Computing Machinery: New York, NY, USA, 2023; pp. 1480–1484. DOI:10.1145/3543873.3587663.Intemann T, Kaulke K, Kipker D-K, Lettieri V, Stallmann C, Schmidt CO, Geidel L, Bialke M, Hampf C, Stahl D, Lablans M, Rohde F, Franke M, Kraywinkel K, Kieschke J, Bartholomäus S, Näher A-F, Tremper G, Lambarki M, March S, Prasser F, Haber AC, Drepper J, Schlünder I, Kirsten T, Pigeot I, Sax U, Buchner B, Ahrens W, Semler SC Verbesserung des Record Linkage für die Gesundheitsforschung in Deutschland. 2023. DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006461895.Hempel L, Sadeghi S, Kirsten T Prediction of Intensive Care Unit Length of Stay in the MIMIC-IV Dataset. Applied Sciences 13, 6930, 2023. DOI:10.3390/app13126930.Engel C, Wirkner K, Zeynalova S, Baber R, Binder H, Ceglarek U, Enzenbach C, Fuchs M, Hagendorff A, Henger S, Hinz A, Rauscher FG, Reusche M, Riedel-Heller SG, Röhr S, Sacher J, Sander C, Schroeter ML, Tarnok A, Treudler R, Villringer A, Wachter R, Witte AV, Thiery J, Scholz M, Loeffler M, LIFE-Adult-Study working group Cohort Profile: The LIFE-Adult-Study. International Journal of Epidemiology 52, e66–e79, 2023. DOI:10.1093/ije/dyac114.Brückner S, Kirsten T, Schwarz P, Cotte F, Tsesis M, Gilbert S The Social Contract for Health and Wellness Data Sharing Needs a Trusted Standardized Consent. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health 1, 527–533, 2023. DOI:10.1016/j.mcpdig.2023.07.008.Bhandari SM, Singh P, Arun N, Sekimitsu S, Raghu V, Rauscher FG, Elze T, Horn K, Kirsten T, Scholz M, Segrè AV, Wiggs JL, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Zebardast N Automated detection of genetic relatedness from fundus photographs using Siamese Neural Networks 2023, 2023.08.16.23294183. DOI:10.1101/2023.08.16.23294183.Publikationen 2022Welten S, Mou Y, Neumann L, Jaberansary M, Ucer YY, Kirsten T, Decker S, Beyan O A Privacy-Preserving Distributed Analytics Platform for Health Care Data. Methods Inf Med 61, e1–e11, 2022. DOI:10.1055/s-0041-1740564.Welten S, Hempel L, Abedi M, Mou Y, Jaberansary M, Neumann L, Weber S, Tahar K, Ucer Yediel Y, Löbe M, Decker S, Beyan O, Kirsten T Multi-Institutional Breast Cancer Detection Using a Secure On-Boarding Service for Distributed Analytics. Applied Sciences 12, 4336, 2022. DOI:10.3390/app12094336.Welk J, Kirsten T CluPlaR: A Framework for Clustering Spatio-Temporal Geographic Positions. In Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET); 2022; pp. 1–7. DOI:10.1109/ICECET55527.2022.9873079.Wang M, Elze T, Peschel T, Pasquale LR, Shen LQ, Wirkner K, Thiery J, Loeffler M, Engel C, Kirsten T, Rauscher FG Improving Circumpapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness (RNFLT) Norms with Retinal Anatomy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63, 3357-F0166, 2022.Wang H, Girbardt J, Zülke A, Luppa M, Witte AV, Li Y, Wang M, Wirkner K, Engel C, Loeffler M, Kirsten T, Schroeter ML, Villringer A, Steffi R-H, Rauscher FG, Elze T Relationship between retinal layer thicknesses of the macula and depression. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63, 124-A0286, 2022.Michael R, Wirkner K, Engel C, Loeffler M, Kirsten T, Rauscher F Ocular biometry in adults from a population-based study in Germany. Acta Ophthalmologica 100, 2022. DOI:10.1111/j.1755-3768.2022.0262.Mauschitz MM, Verzijden T, Schuster AK, Elbaz H, Pfeiffer N, Khawaja A, Luben RN, Foster PJ, Rauscher FG, Wirkner K, Kirsten T, Jonas JB, Bikbov MM, Hogg R, Peto T, Cougnard-Grégoire A, Bertelsen G, Erke MG, Topouzis F, Giannoulis DA, Brandl C, Heid IM, Creuzot-Garcher CP, Gabrielle P-H, Hense H-W, Pauleikhoff D, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Piermarocchi S, Daien V, Holz FG, Delcourt C, Finger RP Association of lipid-lowering drugs and antidiabetic drugs with age-related macular degeneration: a meta-analysis in Europeans. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2022. DOI:10.1136/bjo-2022-321985.Maia M, Mehrshad Jaberansary, Oya Beyan, Kirsten T Providing Publicly Available Medical Data Access under FAIR Principles for Distributed Analysis.; German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2022; p. DocAbstr. 203. DOI:10.3205/22gmds071.Li Y, Rauscher FG, Wang M, Eslami M, Sun JK, Sampani K, Wirkner K, Loeffler M, Stumvoll M, Thiery J, Tönjes A, Engel C, Kirsten T, Ebert T, Elze T Thickness of ten retinal layers from macular optical coherence tomography (OCT) volume scans in participants with and without diabetes and their relationship with glucose metabolism. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63, 815, 2022.Lausch A, Schaepman ME, Skidmore AK, Catana E, Bannehr L, Bastian O, Borg E, Bumberger J, Dietrich P, Glässer C, Hacker JM, Höfer R, Jagdhuber T, Jany S, Jung A, Karnieli A, Klenke R, Kirsten T, Ködel U, Kresse W, Mallast U, Montzka C, Möller M, Mollenhauer H, Pause M, Rahman M, Schrodt F, Schmullius C, Schütze C, Selsam P, Syrbe R-U, Truckenbrodt S, Vohland M, Volk M, Wellmann T, Zacharias S, Baatz R Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity—Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics. Remote Sensing 14, 2279, 2022. DOI:10.3390/rs14092279.Kirsten T, Meineke FA, Loeffler-Wirth H, Beger C, Uciteli A, Stäubert S, Löbe M, Hänsel R, Rauscher FG, Schuster J, Peschel T, Herre H, Wagner J, Zachariae S, Engel C, Scholz M, Rahm E, Binder H, Loeffler M, Team on behalf of the L The Leipzig Health Atlas—An Open Platform to Present, Archive, and Share Biomedical Data, Analyses, and Models Online. Methods Inf Med 61, e103–e115, 2022. DOI:10.1055/a-1914-1985.Jugl M, Kirsten T, Sax U Assessment of Bloom Filter parameters for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage.; German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2022; p. DocAbstr. 167. DOI:10.3205/22gmds063.Hussenoeder FS, Pabst A, Conrad I, Löbner M, Engel C, Zeynalova S, Reyes N, Glaesmer H, Hinz A, Witte V, Schroeter ML, Wirkner K, Kirsten T, Löffler M, Villringer A, Riedel-Heller SG Anxiety and Food Addiction in Men and Women: Results From the Longitudinal LIFE-Adult-Study. Front Psychiatry 13, 914358, 2022. DOI:10.3389/fpsyt.2022.914358.Hussenoeder FS, Conrad I, Pabst A, Luppa M, Stein J, Engel C, Zachariae S, Zeynalova S, Yahiaoui-Doktor M, Glaesmer H, Hinz A, Witte V, Wichmann G, Kirsten T, Löffler M, Villringer A, Riedel-Heller SG Different Areas of Chronic Stress and Their Associations with Depression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, 8773, 2022. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19148773.Hussenoeder FS, Conrad I, Pabst A, Engel C, Zachariae S, Zeynalova S, Yahiaoui-Doktor M, Glaesmer H, Hinz A, Witte V, Wichmann G, Kirsten T, Löffler M, Villringer A, Riedel-Heller SG Connecting chronic stress and anxiety: a multi-dimensional perspective. Psychology, Health & Medicine 0, 1–15, 2022. DOI:10.1080/13548506.2022.2124292.Hinz A, Kocalevent R-D, Glaesmer H, Rauscher FG, Wirkner K, Treudler R, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A Changes in bodily complaints (PHQ-15) over six years in a large general population sample. J Psychosom Res 161, 111014, 2022. DOI:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2022.111014.Fazli M, Rauscher FG, Wirkner K, Engel C, Kirsten T, Loeffler M, Thiery J, Elze T, Ebert T, Wang M The Impact of Inflammatory Markers on the Ganglion Cell Complex in Non-Glaucoma Subjects. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63, 1661-A0156, 2022.Beger C, Matthies F, Schäfermeier R, Kirsten T, Herre H, Uciteli A Towards an Ontology-Based Phenotypic Query Model. Applied Sciences 12, 5214, 2022. DOI:10.3390/app12105214.Abedi M, Hempel L, Sadeghi S, Kirsten T GAN-Based Approaches for Generating Structured Data in the Medical Domain. Applied Sciences 12, 7075, 2022. DOI:10.3390/app12147075.Publikationen 2021Wang M, Elze T, Lampe L, Wirkner K, Kirsten T, Li Y, Eslami M, Thiery J, Loeffler M, Engel C, Schroeter M, Villringer A, Witte AV, Rauscher FG Spatial Patterns of Ganglion Cell Complex Thickness Are Associated with Brain Parameters. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62, 78, 2021.Uciteli A, Beger C, Wagner J, Kirsten T, Meineke FA, Stäubert S, Löbe M, Herre H Ontological modelling and FHIR Search based representation of basic eligibility criteria. GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie 17, 2021. DOI:10.3205/mibe000219.Uciteli A, Beger C, Wagner J, Kiel A, Meineke FA, Stäubert S, Löbe M, Hänsel R, Schuster J, Kirsten T Ontological Modelling and Execution of Phenotypic Queries in the Leipzig Health Atlas. In German Medical Data Sciences: Bringing Data to Life; IOS Press, 2021; pp. 66–74.Thor A, Kirsten T Das E-Assessment-Tool DMT. Datenbank-Spektrum 21, 41–48, 2021. DOI:10.1007/s13222-021-00366-y.Schmidt CO, Fluck J, Golebiewski M, Grabenhenrich L, Hahn H, Kirsten T, Klammt S, Löbe M, Sax U, Thun S Making COVID-19 research data more accessible-building a nationwide information infrastructure. Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz PMID: 34297162, 2021. 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Workshop on Integrative Analysis and Computation of Life Data for Smart Ecosystems, attached at the International Conference on Business Information Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 2016Kirsten, Toralf; Bumberger, Jan; Ivanova, Galina; Dietrich, Peter; Engel, Christoph; Löffler, Markus; Kiess, Wieland: On integrating health and environmental data in epidemiological studies. In: Proc. Intl. Workshop on Integrative Analysis and Computation of Life Data for Smart Ecosystems, attached at the International Conference on Business Information Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 2016Lin, Ying-Chi; Groß, Anika; Kirsten, Toralf: Integration and visualization of spatial data in LIFE. In: Proc. Workshop Data Integration in the Life Sciences, attached at the HEC, 20162015Uciteli, Alexandr; Kirsten, Toralf: Ontology-based retrieval of scientific data in LIFE. In: Proc. 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Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS), 2014 Seiteninhalt Unten Stephanstraße 9c, Haus 5.2 04103 Leipzig Telefon: 0341 - 97 10283 E-Mail: 7nach oben