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Prof. Dr. Dieter Rink

Research focus

  • Sustainable urban development
  • Urban governance
  • Urban concepts
  • Housing and housing policy
  • ​​urban ecology​​​​

Official position

Deputy Head of Department​​​


Department Stadt- und Umweltsoziologie, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ​​

Business address

Permoserstr. 15 
04318 Leipzig

Academic education and degrees

1981 - 1986

Diploma in Cultural Studies​​

April 1990

PHD (Epistemology)​​​


Professional career

1989 - 1991

Scientific assistant (from 1.6.1990 executive) at the Cultural and Art Studies Section

1992 - 1994

Research Associate Science Centre Berlin

Since 02/1994

Research Associate Helmholtz-Zentrum


Honorary professor (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Mittweida (Sachsen))

Since 06/2004

Deputy Head of Department (Urban and environmental sociology)


Honarary professor,  Universität Leipzig, Cultural Studies​

Honors, awards and positions

1991 - 1992

Scholarship holder Fritz-Thy​​ssen-Stiftung

8 most important peer-reviewed papers (10 out of 43, Scopus h-index: 19)

  1. Haase, D., Kabisch, S., Haase, A., Larondelle, N., Schwarz, N., Wolff, M., Kronenberg, J., Kabisch, N., Krellenberg, K., Fischer, L.K., Rink, D., Pauleit, S., Andersson, E., Banzhaf, E., Frantzeskaki, N., Ring, I., Baró, F., Kremer, P., Mathey, J., Brenck, M. (2017): Greening cities – to be socially inclusive? About the paradox of society and ecology in cities, in: HABITAT International, 64, 41-48.

  2. Nelle, A., Großmann, K., Haase, D., Kabisch, S., Rink, D., Wolff, M. (2017): Urban shrinkage in Germany: An entangled web of reality, discourse and policy, in: Cities, vol.,

  3. Banzhaf, E., Kabisch, S., Knapp, S., Rink, D., Wolff, M., Kindler, A. (2017): Integrated research on land use changes in the face of urban transformations – An analytic framework for further studies, in: Land Use Policy, 60, 403-407

  4. Mathey, J., Arndt, T., Banse, J., Rink, D. (2017): Public Perception of Spontaneous Vegetation on Brownfields in Urban Areas – Results from Surveys in Dresden and Leipzig (Germany), in: Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Vol. 29, January 2018, 384-392, doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2016.10.007.

  5. Rink, D., Siemund, S. (2016): Perforation als Leitbild für die schrumpfende Stadt? Erfahrungen aus Leipzig, disP 206, 52, 3, 50-60, doi: 10.1080/02513625.2016.1235879

  6. Haase, A., Grossmann, K., Rink, D. (2016): What can we learn from post-socialist shrinking cities? in: Geografiske Annaler B, Vol.98, Issue 4, December, 305–319,

  7. Rink, D., Arndt, T. (2016): Investigating perception of green structure configuration for afforestation in urban brownfield development by visual methods—A case study in Leipzig, Germany, in: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 15, 65–74

  8. Grossmann, K., Arndt, T., Haase, A., Rink, D. (2015): The influence of housing oversupply on residential segregation: exploring the post-socialist city of Leipzig, in: Urban Geography, 36, 4, 550–577, DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2015.1014672.

Foto: UFZ​

Semmelweisstraße 10, Haus 13
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 24539