StartNotizbuchZuletzt verwendetWebsiteinhalteSuchergebnisseSuchergebnisse Alle SeitenUnsere AmbulanzenAmbulanz für Sprach- und KommunikationsstörungenUnser TeamNeuropsychologieOrthoptikPhysiotherapie / ErgotherapieSozialtherapieSprachtherapieLehre & WeiterbildungPublikationenForschungsgruppenOffene Stellen und Praktika in unserer KlinikM.Sc. Psych. Marie BlumeSabine FörstlProf. Dr. Hellmuth ObrigDr. phil Dipl. Psych. Angelika Thöne-Otto Kristin GrundlCognitive NeurologyCurrently selected Clinical NeuropsychologyCognitive NeuropsychiatryLanguage and PlasticityDigital Media in neuropsychological therapyMemory / working memoryPsychosocial therapies for people with dementiaAssessment and treatment of fatigueNeural Basis of musical emotions and rhythm processingMusic-based therapy of neurologic patients Clinical Neuropsychology Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Language and Plasticity Home Facilities & Clinics About us It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. German Cognitive Neurology You are here: Cognitive Neurology Clinic for Cognitive Neurology Seiteninhalt ObenOn the following pages we want to give you information about the research activities of the Clinic of Cognitive Neurology. If you have any questions these pages cannot answer, please don't hesitate to contact us.Clinical NeuropsychologyCognitive NeuropsychiatryLanguage and Plasticity Liebigstraße 16, Haus 2 04103 Leipzig Telefon: 0341 - 97 24980 Fax: 0341 - 97 24989 E-Mail: 7nach oben