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Diakonie Kliniken Zschadraß

The Department of Integrative Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy of the Diakonie Kliniken Zschadraß offers three options of care for the entire spectrum of mental disorders: outpatient care (50.000 contacts per year), day care (80 places) and inpatient care (120 beds). The Department holds a considerable degree of treatment experience and training programs in the following aspects:

  • Naturopathy and complementary-alternative Medicine in the treatment of mental disorders
  • Meditation and Mind Body Medicine in the treatment of mental disorders
  • offering associated clinical BA, MA, MD and PhD programs
  • providing a wide CME program for students and registrars

Additional therapies are offered on an outpatient setting with specific consultations for dementia, chronic pain and addiction. As academic teaching hospital of the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg and German reference hospital in the International Network for Integrative Psychiatry, and through scientific cooperation with the Charité Berlin, the University of Dresden, Chemnitz and Potsdam, as well as with a number of continuing education institutes for psychotherapists, standardized and regular scientific continuing education programs for staff and external colleagues are offered. 
Professor Dr. Dr. Brunnhuber holds the endowed chair for Integrative Psychosomatics and Naturopathy at the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida. The students' active education is supplemented by regular seminars on campus and lectures.


Medical Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Brunnhuber


Semmelweisstraße 10, Haus 13
04103 Leipzig
0341 - 97 24539