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AMPEL - Clinical Decision Support System

​​​​​​​​Deutsche Version​​

The AMPEL-CDSS is a digital infrastructure that enables clinical AI applications in routine healthcare.​ It increases patient safety by detecting critical situations in real-time.

The AMPEL-CDSS monitors the entire clinic and alerts as needed via email, phone, or the digital workplace on the ward. An example is the detection of the uncommon refeeding syndrome: More than half of all cases detected by AMPEL ​go unnoticed without the Clinical Decision Support System.

From 2024 onward, the AMPEL project will be expanded as an open-source initiative, led by Leipzig University Hospital. The focus is on creating a nonprofit AI infrastructure for healthcare with the highest standards of transparency, adaptability, and interoperability. As the leading CDSS in Germany in terms of scope and evidence, AMPEL aims to set future standards and accelerate the research of digital assistants in hospitals.

Ther​e is a wealth of academic AI models with life-saving potential. However, in practice, they do not find their way into real patient scenarios. Therefore, as the first German clinic, Leipzig University Hospital operates a clinic-wide CDSS for randomized controlled AI studies in routine healthcare. Once the study phase is successfully completed, AI applications become instantly accessible to all patients with a single click. Are you one of our patients? Then you can already benefit from increased patient safety during your hospital stay today!

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​​This project is funded by the European Unit (NextGernerationEU) and was previously funded with tax revenues based on the budget adopted by the members of the Sa​xon State Parliament (eHealthSax 2018-2022).​​​


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Paul-List-Str. 13 - 15, Haus T
04103 Leipzig, Germany
0341 - 97 11342