You are here: Cariology, Endodontology and Periodontology

Welcome to our lab

​​The research of our lab focusses on understanding the etiology of caries and the process of dental wear. We cover a wide range of topics from oral food processing to the development of new diagnostic and treatment concepts in dentistry. To this end, we investigate dentin and enamel caries, the oral microbiome and wear surfaces. Furthermore, we measure the bonding between tooth, bone, dental materials and adjacent tissues applying 3D methods. We also develop mathematical models to simulate and link the measured 3D morphology to related disease patterns. The basic insights we gain this way, directly contribute to the development of novel treatment approaches in periodontal and endodontic dentistry.

Liebigstraße 12, Haus 1
04103 Leipzig
Patient registration:
0341 - 97 20558
0341 - 97 21200
0341 - 97 21219