Die Hauptergebnisse des AgeWell.de-Projektes wurden in der Fachzeitschrift Alzheimer's & Dementia veröffentlicht:
Zülke, A. E., Pabst, A., Luppa, M., Roehr, S., Seidling, H., Oey, A., Cardona, M., Blotenberg, I., Bauer, A., Weise, S., Zöllinger, I., Sanftenberg, L., Brettschneider, C., Döhring, J., Lunden, L., Czock, D., Haefeli, W., Wiese, B., Hoffmann, W., Frese, T., Gensichen, J., König, H.-H., Kaduszkiewicz, H., Thyrian, J.R., & Riedel‐Heller, S. G. (2024). A multidomain intervention against cognitive decline in an at‐risk‐population in Germany: Results from the cluster‐randomized AgeWell. de trial. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20(1), 615-628. https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/alz.13486
Zülke, A. E., Pabst, A., Luppa, M., Oey, A., Weise, S., Fankhänel, T., Kosilek, R.P., Schillok, H., Brettschneider, C., Czock, D., Wiese, B., Thyrian, J.R., Hoffmann, W., Frese, T., Gensichen, J., König, H.-H., Kaduszkiewicz, H., & Riedel‐Heller, S. G. (2024). Effects of a multidomain intervention against cognitive decline on dementia risk profiles - Results from the AgeWell.de trial. Alzheimer's & Dementia, DOI: 10.1002/alz.14097 https://alz-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alz.14097
Darüber hinaus wurden weitere Ergebnisse publiziert:
Cardona MI, Luppa M, Zülke A, Kroeber ES, Bauer A, Döhring J, Escales C, Brettschneider C, Frese T, Kosilek RP, Gensichen J, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, König HH, Wiese B, Riedel-Heller SG, Thyrian JR. Mediating Factors Associated With Physical Activity in Older Adults at Increased Dementia Risk. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2024 Jan-Dec;39:15333175241257849. doi: 10.1177/15333175241257849
Döhring J, Williamson M, Brettschneider C, Fankhänel T, Luppa M, Pabst A, Weißenborn M, Zöllinger I, Czock D, Frese T, Gensichen J, Hoffmann W, König HH, Thyrian JR, Wiese B, Riedel-Heller S, Kaduszkiewicz H. Quality of life in a high-risk group of elderly primary care patients: characteristics and potential for improvement. Qual Life Res. 2024 Jul;33(7):1841-1851. doi: 10.1007/s11136-024-03647-7
Buchholz M, Zöllinger I, Thyrian JR, Luppa M, Zülke A, Döhring J, Lunden L, Sanftenberg L, Brettschneider C, Czock D, Frese T, Gensichen J, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, König HH, Wiese B, Riedel-Heller SG, Blotenberg I. Factors Associated with Lower Social Activity in German Older Adults at Increased Risk of Dementia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. J Alzheimers Dis. 2024;98(4):1443-1455. doi: 10.3233/JAD-231226
Wittmann, F.G., Pabst, A., Zülke, A., Luppa, M., Blotenberg, I., Cardona, M.I., Bauer, A., Fuchs, S., Zöllinger, I., Sanftenberg, L., Brettschneider, C., Döhring, J., Lunden, L., Czock, D., Wiese, B., Thyrian, J.R., Hoffmann, W., Frese, T., Gensichen, J., König, H.-H., Kaduszkiewicz, H., Riedel-Heller, S.G. Who Benefited the Most? Effectiveness of a Lifestyle Intervention Against Cognitive Decline in Older Women and Men – Secondary Analysis of the AgeWell.de-trial. J Prev Alzheimers Dis (2024). https://doi.org/10.14283/jpad.2024.13
Wittmann FG, Zülke A, Pabst A, Luppa M, Thyrian JR, Kästner A, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, Döhring J, Escales C, Gensichen J, Zöllinger I, Kosilek RP, Wiese B, Oey A, König HH, Brettschneider C, Frese T, Riedel-Heller SG. COVID-19 government measures and their impact on mental health: a cross-sectional study of older primary care patients in Germany. Front Public Health. 2023 May 22;11:1141433. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1141433
Zöllinger I, Bauer A, Blotenberg I, Brettschneider C, Buchholz M, Czock D, Döhring J, Escales C, Fankhaenel T, Frese T, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, König HH, Luppa M, Oey A, Pabst A, Sanftenberg L, Thyrian JR, Weiss J, Wendel F, Wiese B, Riedel-Heller SG, Gensichen J. Associations of Depressive Symptoms with Subjective Cognitive Decline in Elderly People-A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the AgeWell.de-Study. J Clin Med. 2023 Aug 10;12(16):5205. doi: 10.3390/jcm12165205
Cardona MI, Weißenborn M, Zöllinger I, Kroeber ES, Bauer A, Luppa M, Pabst A, Czock D, König HH, Wiese B, Gensichen J, Frese T, Kaduszkiewicz H, Hoffmann W, Riedel-Heller SG, Thyrian JR. Physical Activity Determinants in Older German Adults at Increased Dementia Risk with Multimorbidity: Baseline Results of the AgeWell.de Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Mar 8;19(6):3164. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063164
Wendel F, Bauer A, Blotenberg I, Brettschneider C, Buchholz M, Czock D, Döhring J, Escales C, Frese T, Hoffmann W, Kaduszkiewicz H, König HH, Löbner M, Luppa M, Schwenker R, Thyrian JR, Weißenborn M, Wiese B, Zöllinger I, Riedel-Heller SG, Gensichen J. Social Network and Participation in Elderly Primary Care Patients in Germany and Associations with Depressive Symptoms-A Cross-Sectional Analysis from the AgeWell.de Study. J Clin Med. 2022 Oct 8;11(19):5940. doi: 10.3390/jcm11195940
Zülke, A., Luppa, M., Röhr, S., Weißenborn, M., Bauer, A., Samos, F., Kühne, F., Zöllinger, I., Döhring, J., Brettschneider, C., Oey, A., Czock, D., Frese, T., Gensichen, J., Haefeli, W.E., Hoffmann, W., Kaduszkiewicz, H., König, H.H., Thyrian, J.R., Wiese, B., Riedel-Heller, S.G. Association of mental demands in the workplace with cognitive function in older adults at increased risk for dementia. BMC Geriatrics 21(1), 1-11.
Roehr, S., Zülke, A., Luppa, M., Brettschneider, C., Weißenborn, M., Kühne, F., Zöllinger, I., Samos, F., Bauer, A., Döhring, J., Krebs-Hein, K., Oey, A., Czock, D., Frese, T., Gensichen, J., Haefeli, W.E., Hoffmann, W., Kaduszkiewicz, H., König, H.H., Thyrian, J. R., Wiese, B., Riedel-Heller, S.G. (2020). Recruitment and baseline characteristics of participants in the AgeWell.de study - A pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled lifestyle trial against cognitive decline. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (2,) 408. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18020408
Zülke, A., Luck, T., Pabst, A., Hoffmann, W., Thyrian, J. R., Gensichen, J., Kaduszkiewicz, H., König, H.H., Haefeli, W.E., Czock, D., Wiese, B., Frese, T., Roehr, S., Riedel-Heller, S.G. (2019). AgeWell. de–study protocol of a pragmatic multi-center cluster-randomized controlled prevention trial against cognitive decline in older primary care patients. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), 203. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-019-1212-1