Curriculum Vitae:
1978 | Birth in Lutherstadt Wittenberg |
1999 - 2005 | Magister Studies of Communication and Media Science, Psychology and Educational
Science at the University of Leipzig, Germany Title of master thesis:
"Communication behaviour of female and male leaders" |
2004 - 2011 | Study of Psychology at the University of Leipzig, Germany, and at the University
of Maastricht, the Netherlands Title of diploma thesis: "The burdened child -
depression of children from cancer families" |
2009 - 2011 | Student Research Assistant at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics at the University of Leipzig,
Germany Project: "Treatment for families with parental cancer: Assessment of
a counselling program and identification of criteria informing referral for
child-oriented psychodynamic psychotherapy" |
2011 | Research Assistant at the Integrated Research and Treatment Center Adiposity
Diseases Leipzig (IFB AdipositasErkrankungen), Germany Project: "Obese
parents - obese children. Psychological-psychiatric risk factors of parental
behaviour and experience for the development of obesity in children aged 0 - 3" |
2011 | Research Fellow at the Integrated Research and Treatment Center
AdiposityDiseases Leipzig (IFB AdipositasErkrankungen), Germany Project:
"Treatment of binge eating disorder in adolescents (BEDA)" |
| Ph.D. Student of Prof. Dr. K. v. Klitzing, Department of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics at the University of Leipzig,
Germany supported by a grant from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst
e.V. Project: "Obese parents - obese children. Psychological-psychiatric risk
factors of parental behaviour and experience for the development of obesity in
children aged 0-3" Doctoral project: "Insatiable insecurity - are attachment
insecurity and lack of mother`s reflective functioning linked to childhood
obesity?" |
since 2012 | Trainee in psychodynamic therapy (for children and adults) at the Saxon
Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Leipzig (SPP) |
since 2014 | Psychologist at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychotherapy
and Psychosomatics, University of Leipzig, Germany |
Doctoral project:
The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity during the past three decades
led to intense research on possible predictors. While most of the work focuses
on individual risk factors the Australian Child and Adolescent Obesity Research
Network identified a lack of research questions related to environmental risk
factors such as family interactions. Therefore, we investigate the parent child
Our study focuses on the influence of mother-child attachment and mother`s
reflective functioning on emotion regulation and emotional eating in children.
Secure attachment pattern and high reflective functioning of the mother are best
predictors of developing a healthy emotion regulation. We hypothesize that
deficits in emotion regulation are related to increased emotional eating and to
overweight in further consequence.
Those results can be important sources of prevention programmes for families
with regard to childhood obesity.
Supported by a grant from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V.
Presentations / Congresses:
Keitel-Korndörfer, A. (2015). Kann ein Kind schon depressiv sein ...und wenn
ja, was hilft? Vortrag innerhalb der Leipziger Wochen der seelischen Gesundheit,
Leipzig, 25. September - 11. Oktober 2015.
Keitel-Korndörfer, A., Wendt. V., Klein, A. M., & von Klitzing, K.
(2015). Unersättliche Unsicherheit-Sind eine unsichere Bindung und eine
mangelnde mütterliche Mentalisierungsfähigkeit Risikofaktoren für die Entstehung
kindlicher Adipositas? Vortrag auf der DGKJP, München, 4. - 7. März 2015.
Weinberger, N., Wendt, V., Keitel-Korndörfer, A., &, & von Klitzing,
K. (2014). Exploring adult attachment related behavior in a virtual social
environment: Weight-group differences and reflective functioning in "Simoland".
Posterpräsentation auf dem 13th Research Festival for Life Science, Leipzig, 18.
Dezember 2014.
Keitel, A., Wendt, V., Klein, A. M., & von Klitzing, K. (2014).
Insatiable insecurity-Are attachment and mother's reflective functioning linked
to childhood obesity? Posterpräsentation auf dem 14th Congress of the World
Association for Infant Mental Health, Edinburgh, Schottland, 14. - 15. Juni
Keitel, A., & Bergmann, S. (2014). Adipöse Mütter-adipöse Kinder? Vortrag
innerhalb der Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik des
Kindes- und Jugendalters, Leipzig, 21. Mai 2014.
Keitel, A., Wendt, V., Klein, A. M., & von Klitzing, K. (2013).
Attachment as a predictor of childhood obesity? Posterpräsentation auf der 6th
International Attachment Conference, Pavia, Italien, 31. August - 1. September
Keitel, A., Wendt, V., Klein, A. M., & von Klitzing, K. (2012).
Insatiable insecurity-Are attachment security and mother's reflective
functioning linked to childhood obesity? Posterpräsentation auf dem 11th
Research Festival for Life Science, Leipzig, 14. Dezember 2012.
Keitel, A., Wendt. V., Klein, A. M., & von Klitzing, K. (2012).
Insatiable insecurity-Are attachment security and mother's reflective
functioning linked to childhood obesity? Posterpräsentation auf der Feeding
Disorders Conference, London, UK, 6. - 7. November 2012.
Keitel, A., & Bergmann S. (2012). At the very beginning-Psychological
risk factors for childhood obesity. Vortrag bei Science2Go (Kolloquium des IFB
AdipositasErkrankungen), Leipzig, 26. Juni 2012.
Keitel, A., Weis, S., Dieball, S., Koch, G., Romer, G., Richter, D., &
von Klitzing, K. (2010). The burdened child-Depression of children from cancer
families. Posterpräsentation auf dem 9th Research Festival for Life Science,
Leipzig, 17. Dezember 2010
External funds:
Doctoral grant from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V.
scholarship from the Heidehof Stiftung