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German Department of Paediatric Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics You are here: Department of Paediatric Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Charlotte Schulz Seiteninhalt ObenPsychologistResearch Focus: Developmental consequences of childhood maltreatment for neurobiological and psychological functioning during childhood and adolescence Research Project: AMIS Seiteninhalt UntenCurriculum Vitae:Since 2017PhD Student at the International Max Planck Research School on Neuroscience of Communication: Function, Structure, and Plasticity (IMPRS NeuroCom), funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) Title of the PhD project: „Trauma and Brain Development during Childhood: Global and/or Specific Effects?” Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Kai von Klitzing, Dr. Lars O. White (Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Leipzig University) Advisors: Prof. Dr. Arno Villringer (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences), Prof. Dr. Erich Schröger (Leipzig University, Faculty of Life Sciences, Cognitive and Biological Psychology), Prof. Dr. Pascal Vrticka (University of Essex, Colchester, UK) 2017Research Associate in the AMIS Follow-up Study ("Analyzing pathways from childhood maltreatment to internalizing symptoms & disorders in children and adolescents")Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Leipzig University (Prof. Dr. Kai von Klitzing)2016Research Assistant in the AMIS ProjectDepartment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Leipzig University (Prof. Dr. Kai von Klitzing)2014 - 2015Exchange Student in PsychologyUniversity of California, Berkeley, USAScholar of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)2010 - 2016Diploma in Psychology, Philipps University of Marburg (Germany) Title of diploma thesis: “Mommy Always Protects Me (?)” – Influence of Physical Abuse and Maternal Care on Hippocampal Volumes and Related Behavioral ManifestationsPublications:Schulz, C. C., von Klitzing, K, Deserno, L., Sheridan, M. A., Crowley, M. J., Schoett, M. J. S., Hoffmann, F., Villringer, A., Vrtička, P., & White, L. O. (2022). Emotional maltreatment and neglect impact neural activation upon exclusion in early and mid-adolescence: An event-related fMRI study. Development and Psychopathology, 1–13., L. O., Schulz, C. C., Schoett, M. J. S., Kungl, M. T., Keil, J., Borelli, J. L., & Vrtička, P. (2020). Conceptual Analysis: A Social Neuroscience Approach to Interpersonal Interaction in the Context of Disruption and Disorganization of Attachment (NAMDA). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 517372., L. O., Schulz, C., Klein, A. M., & von Klitzing, K. (2019). Declining effects of child maltreatment on mental health in the elderly: Another nail in the coffin of the deficit model of aging or a healthy survivor bias?: A comment on Rapsey, Scott and Patterson's 25-year longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 255, 180-181., C. C., Vrtička, P., Crowley, M., Deserno, L., von Klitzing, K., Villringer, A. & White, L. O. (September, 2019). Roles of threat and deprivation in neural reactivity to social exclusion. Poster presented at the joint conference of the Sections Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Leipzig, Germany.Schulz, C. C., Sierau, S., Michel, A., Klein, A.M., von Klitzing, K., & White, L. O. (March, 2019). Distinct pathways to psychopathology: Examining differential effects of threat vs. deprivation. Symposium paper presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, USA.Schulz, C. C., Ising, M., Stalder, T., Müller-Myhsok, B., Sierau, S., Michel, A., Quintero Garzón, L., Kroll, M., Klein, A. M., Kirschbaum, C., von Klitzing, K., Uhr, M., & White, L. O. (March, 2019). Neurobiological stress reactivity in youth: Relevance of maltreatment and social support. Poster presented at the 2019 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, USA.Schulz, C. C., Deserno, L., Vrticka, P., von Klitzing, K., Villringer, A., & White, L. O. (June, 2018). Effects of child maltreatment on adolescent brain structure and function: Roles of threat and deprivation. Poster presented at the 8th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, Leipzig, Germany.Schulz, C. C., Deserno, L., Vrticka, P., von Klitzing, K., Villringer, A., & White, L. O. (May, 2018). The Traumatized Brain: Global and/or Specific Effects of Maltreatment during Childhood?. Poster presented at the 16th World Association for Infant Mental Health World Congress, Rome, Italy.Schulz, C. C., Ising, M., Stalder, T., Müller-Myhsok, B., Sierau, S., Michel, A., Quintero Garzón, L., Kroll, M., Klein, A. M., Kirschbaum, C., von Klitzing, K., Uhr, M., & White, L. O. (August, 2017). Neurobiological stress reactivity in youth: Relevance of maltreatment and social support. Poster presented at the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, Netherlands.Schulz, C. C., Ising, M., Stalder, T., Müller-Myhsok, B., Sierau, S., Michel, A., Quintero Garzón, L., Kroll, M., Klein, A. M., Kirschbaum, C., von Klitzing, K., Uhr, M., & White, L. O. (July, 2017). Neurobiological stress reactivity in youth: Relevance of maltreatment and social support. Poster presented at the 7th IMPRS NeuroCom Summer School, London, UK.Schulz, C. C., Ising, M., Stalder, T., Müller-Myhsok, B., Sierau, S., Michel, A., Quintero Garzón, L., Kroll, M., Klein, A. M., Kirschbaum, C., von Klitzing, K., Uhr, M., & White, L. O. (March, 2017). Effects of maltreatment on neuroendocrine stress reactivity during childhood and adolescence. Poster presented at the 35th Conference of the German Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy, Ulm, Germany. Liebigstraße 20a, Haus 6 04103 Leipzig Telefon: 0341 - 97 24010 Fax: 0341 - 97 24019 7nach oben