Enzymatic regulation of CCL2 bioactivity in neuroinflammation
The present proposal focuses on the regulation of neuroinflammatory effects mediated by the C-C motif chemokine CCL2. We hypothesize that the biological activity of CCL2 for microglia/macrophage recruitment is tuned by enzyme-catalyzed post-translational modification.
On the one hand, N-terminal CCL2 truncation by dipeptidyl peptidase IV/CD26 (DP4) initiates further proteolytical degradation and abolishes its biological activity. On the other hand, N-terminal pyroglutamate modification catalyzed by the glutaminyl cyclases QC and/or isoQC protects CCL2 from proteolytical degradation and increases its biological activity. Thus, we consider the tandem of the QC/isoQC and DP4 enzymes as pro- and anti-inflammatory molecular check-points in neuroinflammation, as they may specifically modulate CCL2 activity and the functional outcome in neuroinflammatory conditions in vitro and in vivo.
Therefore we will analyze the temporal expression of QC, isoQC, DP4 and distinct CCL2 variants after ischemia in primary neural cells deficient in QC, isoQC, DP4 and CCL2 in vitro. We will also exemplify these regulated enzymatic actions in mouse brain using an inflammatory ischemia model and analyze microglia/macrophage recruitment to ischemic brain tissue. To address this issue, we will use knock-out mice deficient in QC, isoQC, DP4 and CCL2 and also monitor infarct volume and functional motor deficits. Thus, the proposal targets an important aspect related to the endogenous resolution of inflammation by enzyme processing pathways, which might be associated with a number of brain diseases. Furthermore, the results may provide implications for the use of clinically relevant enzyme inhibitors in neuroinflammatory conditions.
- Prof. Dr. Steffen Roßner
- Dr. Corinna Höfling
- Dr. Ulrike Zeitschel
- Luise Ulrich
- Sina Burghardt
- Philippa Donkersloot
- Michael Opitz
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie (Prof. Dr. D. Michalski)
- Fraunhofer Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie, Molekulare Wirkstoffbiochemie und Therapieentwicklung, Halle/S. (Dr. S. Schilling)
German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) RO2226/15-1